Last updated
Last updated
The setting page is only accessible by admin.
Gerobug need a GMAIL Email with App Password implemented. Without this, Gerobug can not receive any reports submitted by the bug hunter. It is RECOMMENDED to use a dedicated email for this. Do not use the mailbox email for other purposes to avoid issues / conflicts during the parsing process.
If the email is configured successfully, you will see that the email is ACTIVE, and Gerobug will able to receive bug reports and send emails.
You can change user email and password from this setting.
You can change the Gerobug logo to your own company/organization logo
(Will affect the homepage and certificate generated)
You can change the rules and guidelines for your bug bounty program.
Admin can create and delete users with lesser privilege (Reviewer). These users can be used to manage bug reports (Review and Triage) without having the permission to access the setting page.
The default password for the reviewer users are G3r0bUg_@dM!n_1337yipPie13579246810121337
Each users can reset the password using the forgot password feature.
Please enforce the users to change the default password to minimize security risks!
Gerobug support Slack and Telegram as notification channels, which Gerobug will send notification when there are new reports.
Gerobug is equipped with Blacklist Rule (a simple rate limit) to block any email address that conducted Spam.
You can set report template (PDF) for bug hunters, which they can download at the Rules and Guidelines Page.
You can set NDA template (PDF) for bug hunters, which will be sent to bug hunters before the bounty is processed.
Gerobug will generate and send certificate of appreciation to bug hunter automatically when a report is fixed and completed.
You can update the certificate template (JPG) to your own design, but we do not recommend it since it may broke the generated certificate due to different sizing and positioning.
We will produce more certificate template options in the future.
You can also change the data (Officer name, signature, and title) and generate a sample certificate.